I've been gone for a long time from this here blog. If you could even consider it that. My goal for 2014 was to write more. Lean on my blog for guidance. Express myself through my words. It maybe 11 months late, but I think I'm finally read and willing to do so.
It's always fun to give you a little background about the person behind the blog. I learn new stuff everyday about the blogs I read and I find it really enjoyable to know more about their ins, outs, preferences, and such.
Name/Occupation/Age/Stats Sarah/Business Office at Republic County Hospital, Nursing Student, Mother, Wife, Girl Scout Leader and all the in between/28/ Married mother of 2 daughters and 1 stepson. Fur mom to Yogi the Teddy Bear and Kate the kitten.

Family Info. Husband Tim (Married since 2005), Step son Kaleb (12) - All boy. State wrestler, Football & Baseball player, avid sport lover. (Also note he's at that age where parents & family are no longer cool and he only wants to be around his friends and girls.) Daughers: Lexus (9) All girl which means no sweating, running, getting dirty or playing sports. She also has her BFF Lindsay who is basically our 3rd daughter. They are either always at our house or Lindsays. We are just used to it now and love her as our own. Brooklyn (7) is a spitting image of her momma, loves her momma with all her heart and is so kind hearted to everyone she meets. She listens, follows rules and hasn't quite developed the attitude and hate her siblings have. We have a 5 year old Teddy Bear (Yogi) (and before you ask- its a Shih Tzu/Bichon cross) and a Kitten named Kate that Lexus just got for her birthday.
Favorite Hobbies Scrapbooking, Scuba Diving, Snowboarding, Take pictures, Reading, Drinking Wine, shopping, Sleeping, Watching movies, Netflix, Dr Pepper, Coffee with White Chocolate Mocha creamer.
Five Things I Can't Live Without My Cell phone, my family, my friends, Dr Pepper, Netflix,
Typical Day. Wake up at 5am, shower, get ready for work, get kids ready for school, arrive at work at 7am, leave at 3:30, pick up kids from school and go to dance, sports practices, do homework, supper, bathtime and bed. I then work on my homework and clean up the house before crashing and waking up to do the same exact thing the next day.
Favorite Go-To Beauty Products I really don't wear a lot of makeup, nor do I use anything fancy in my hair and don't paint my nails or anything like that. Plain Jane girl right here. I do feel a good mascara can go a long ways.
Favorite Music/Bands/Singers Bob Marley, The Avett Brothers, Pink, Mumford & Sons, Tom Petty, Modest Mouse, Blake Shelton, Johnny Cash, Luke Bryan, The Offspring
My Top 10 Movies When a Man Loves a Woman, Grease, PS I love You, Drop Dead Fred, Pippi Longstocking, Pitch Perfect, The Twilight Series, The Notebook, Practical Magic, Clueless.
Favorite Food to Make Anything in a crockpot. Peppered Steak, Chicken & Noodles, Soups. I hate cooking so if the crockpot will do it for me, and everyone will eat it, I'm happy.
Top Reads (in no particular order) Black Lies, Anything by Nicolas Sparks, His Bright Light by Danielle Steele, The Hunger Games, Twilight Series, 50 Shades of Grey trilogy, Ugly Love, Cross Roads, The Shack
Other Q&A
What you wanted to be when you grew up: I wanted to be a volconologist, a substance abuse counselor or a nurse.
Beauty secret: Less is More. No matter who you are, pounds of makeup is gross. Be proud of who you are and don't try to cover it up.
Celebrity crush: Ian Somerhalder/Channing Tatum
Welcome to my world, Stay a while?